To call my husband sports obsessed is an understatement. He watches ESPN during any free time he has, can spout off random stats of most players from nearly every sport, and for the longest time I wasn't even allowed to touch the remote on Saturdays. Even in the off season, or a night where nothing is on, he watches old games on the Classic ESPN channel.
This can get quite annoying when you don't want to hear whistles blowing, shoes squeaking, or cheerleaders cheering 24/7. Even more so when he ends up getting so emotionally invested in each game that he's yelling at the TV when the refs blow a call or a player makes a bad play. Things get thrown. Profanity gets yelled. (Not every time. This is worse case scenario.)
I use to really complain about it, a lot. There were things I wanted to watch instead. He wasn't paying attention to me or our daughter. Stop getting so upset it's just a game. It wasn't until someone brought up just how obsessed he was, because they were worried, that it dawned on me.
Sports is his therapy. It is his way of zoning out/clearing his head. It is his time to forget for a moment what he's been through and what he faces in the future. Why am I trying to take that away from him?
So this season, no more complaining. Instead, I'll sit beside him and watch the games and enjoy the time together.